Well we would have to wouldn’t we! It’s our busiest time of year, and we’ve got two Fungus Forays coming up in the UK as part of the wonderful New Mills Festival and more picking to do in West Sweden at the beginning of October. We’re looking forward to seeing what’s growing both here and there considering how little rain has fallen in this the driest of summers for a good few years.
On the subject of beautiful West Sweden we are really pleased to be mentioned in the following post: ‘Harvest Time – on the Lookout for Food in the Forests’ in the blog Explore West Sweden which was “conceived by West Sweden Tourism Board and VisitSweden as a way to allow the online community to explore and discover West Sweden as a destination. It is maintained by a group of U.S. and Swedish individuals who have a passion for the magic of the Swedish west coast. Our mission is to attempt to convey what we find to be one of the world’s finest hidden gems to the rest of the world. We hope you enjoy!”
We second that!