Happy New Year! 2016 was a roller coaster of a year and not just for us, but the one constant we enjoyed as much as we always do was the mushroom season and all that that brings with it. We get so much out of both the forays and the picking, the former sociable events where we get to meet so many interesting and lovely people in the beautiful Peak District, and the latter a more solitary exercise where we spend quiet, contemplative quality time with each other, in the most stunning natural surroundings, in West Sweden.
We’re looking forward to more of all that this year, and of course more of our popular wild mushroom tastings at our stockists up and down the country.
The dates for our forays this year are Sunday 10 & Sunday 24 September, and Saturday 7 October. We were really pleased they got tipped as one of the top 8 classes in the area, in the excellent Manchester What’s On guide Manchester Wire. There are other mid week dates available, so if you want to book a private foray for up to 10 at another time, do get in touch.
Here’s a gallery of photos from 2016, taken by ourselves and photographer Rob Whitrow.